Report A Bug

In order to help us improve the ScreenGardens Koi Pond, please fill out the following bug report form. If you do not know the answer to some questions, just type "don't know." Thank you!

Bug description:
Please describe the bug(s) you encountered in as much detail as possible:

Koi Pond version:

System information:

The following information can be found by going to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System.
Operating System:

Processor type: (e.g. Pentium, Athlon etc.)

Processor speed: (e.g. 1.66 GHz)

Memory: (e.g. 512 MB of RAM)

Graphics card:
Graphics card information can be found by going to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Display Properties and clicking on the Settings tab. Graphics card information will appear after the Display: line.



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